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What you need to know about EHS and COVID-19 changes under the Biden Administration

Source: EHS Today

Date: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM ET

Duration: 1 Hour

Sponsored by: BSI

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As the Biden-Harris Administration transitions into the White House, business leaders should be preparing for the anticipated impacts of policy changes, investments, and enforcement priorities related to Environmental, Health, Safety, Sustainability, Security and Supply Chain (EH3S).

These impacts will reflect the incoming administration’s urgent priorities and will be particularly relevant in areas related to the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, regulatory enforcement, and PPE shortages. Attend this webinar to hear our industry experts analyze the potential regulatory, resource, and policy changes to prepare for.

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We’ve got you covered. Register here, and we’ll send you the on-demand viewing link shortly after the broadcast.


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