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Upstate NY bridge rehab is well underway

DSC_0225by Jon M. Casey
A crew from Bette and Cring Construction Group, Latham, NY was busy prepping the first half of a rehabilitation project that began in mid-April on the bridge that carries NY State Route 162 traffic over the abandoned railroad in the town of Root, Montgomery County, near Lookout Road. The work is scheduled to be completed by September 30 of this year. With half the concrete decking already removed and crews attending to the cleaning of the steel framework and preparing for the coming concrete pour, the progress that the workers are making is excellent.
According to NYDOT Structures Group team member Angela Chiricosta, the bridge rehab project is progressing nicely. “The steel is in good condition so the job should go well. The bike path that runs beneath the bridge is going to remain open while the work is being done. This is a pretty straightforward job,” she said.
As is the case with a number of bridges throughout the state, the decks have deteriorated over time for a variety of reasons. Winter salting and traffic wear over four decades; have caused the concrete to crack and potholes to form on this structure. These problems have been repaired several times; however, a rehab of the bridge deck is the wise choice to make while the steel framework is still in good condition.
The estimated cost of the project is $800,000, which will be funded with state and federal grants. That includes the bridge deck, joint and railing replacement. Since the approach abutments are still in good condition as well, once the paving is completed, the railings for the approaches will be reset to conclude the work.
The bridge, located just south of Route 5S on State Route 162, was built in 1969 and is approximately 75 feet long. It is being rehabbed one lane at a time, so that traffic can continue to traverse the site while the work is going on. Temporary signals are in place to regulate traffic that crosses the bridge from either direction, restricting it as an alternating single lane. Traffic controls will remain in place until the work is completed.
Since the bike and pedestrian trail that passes beneath the bridge is to remain open, people who plan to use the path can be assured that they will be safe when passing beneath the structure during the time of the project. Depending on the work that is going on at the time, appropriate safety precautions will be put into place to provide the needed protection. For updates on the progress of this project, visit the traffic, travel and transit info website at


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