by Jon M. Casey
With the addition of a new line of conveyors in 2017, Terex Finlay equipment users have realized the benefits of using a conveyor to stockpile material once it is crushed or screened to its desired size. According to Ciaran Keyes, Terex Finlay commercial director for conveyance systems, there are a number of benefits to adding an accessory conveyor for stockpiling. During the 2018 World Dealer Conference in Jacksonville, FL, Nov. 14 – 16, Keyes outlined five primary benefits of adding a conveyor to a dealer’s equipment line.
Keyes said the obvious initial benefit of an added conveyor is the reduced costs from improved efficiency created by increased stockpile height over the basic stockpile height that comes from an onboard conveyor of a portable crusher or screen plant. For example, the TC-80 conveyor on demonstration at the equipment demo is capable of a discharge height of 34 feet, 6 inches while the discharge height of an 883+ screen plant is 11 feet, 10 inches. Smaller screen plants or crushers have a lower discharge height. With this added ability to stockpile material, the need for moving the conveyed material immediately is reduced, giving producers the opportunity to move the material at a convenient time. Additionally, crushing or screening does not need to be halted to move the material.
With the reduced wheel loader activity, there is less dust, noise and emissions. Material quality is improved as well. Stockpiles tend to segregate less. Material losses due to wheel loader compaction damage also are reduced. With the reduced loader activity, there is less safety risk due to dust created by site traffic.
Finally, Keyes noted the direct reduced cost that comes from the overall running time comparison between the conveyor and a typical loader or excavator. For example, Keyes related the data from quarry testing demonstrating an approximate 90 percent savings using a conveyor over a CAT 980K wheel loader.
Annual fuel and labor costs for the wheel loader amounted to $90,541 while the use of a TC-80 ran $8,871, computing an operator hourly wage at approximately $10.25. Similarly, the equipment operating cost per hour based on 285 working days per year were equally impressive. The CAT 980K hourly rate ran $31.77 vs. $3.11 for the TC-80.
Adding to Keyes’ presentation, Terence Bratton, product director, highlighted the entire conveyor product line, which includes two new models to be introduced in 2019, and another in 2020. Bratton said the TC-65 and TC-80 — both self-propelled tracked units — have been available for the past two years.
These conveyors have been designed for international container shipment and can be unloaded and erected under their own power. New options on these units include a large hopper for bulky material and an onboard magnet for tramp metal removal. Another option is the dual drive configuration, which allows onboard power to move the conveyor from place to place and then the operator can connect to plug-in electrical power to drive the belts once the unit is in place. The machine can also be operated with the onboard CAT engine powered hydraulic drive system.
New for early 2019, the TC-100 will add height and capacity for stockpiling. The unit’s 42-inch belt can deliver up to 600 metric tons per hour. Many of the basic components are identical to the TC-65 to make parts replacement simpler and more efficient.
For producers who need larger stockpiling capabilities, the TR-75 Radial Stacker will be introduced as well. Bratton said it is a single-track, fully automated unit, programmable to design easy-to-access, kidney bean-shaped stockpiles up to 10,000 cubic meters in capacity. This unit is also powered by the CAT 4.4 engine and is able to move 500 metric tons per hour.
Two more conveyor additions, the TF-75 H and the TF-75L, with high and low level feeders, are available for shipment in 2019. These two variations allow for different infeed loading capabilities and loading methods. With these two feeder designs, several screen options are available for end user convenience.
Not only can these conveyors be used in post-crushing applications, they can also be used in bulky material and dock-loading situations. Either unit is powered by the CAT 4.4 diesel engine. The two models use a large number of identical parts.
Bratton said in early 2020, Terex Finlay would introduce a TS-75R Radial Telescopic conveyor, a unit that will not only stockpile material in a designated radius but also stockpile it in a wider swath, giving producers greater stockpiling capabilities. Also in new product development is the RT140, a radial telescopic conveyor that is 36 inches wide by 140 feet in length. It can be shipped in three shipping containers. This unit will come with automated stockpiling programming to reduce segregation. It has a self-leveling drop down radial axle. This unit will be especially useful as a terminal transfer conveyor or for barge loading. Learn more information on the Terex Finlay Conveyor line.