Environmental and recycling businesses, organizations, community groups and individuals around the U.S. are making plans to celebrate the annual International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) coming up the week of May 2 – 8. Traditionally, ICAW is promoted by holding a variety of different types of group activities and events. Last year, it was celebrated predominately using social media, but however it is done in 2021, the goal of the program is still the same – building awareness on the benefits of compost use and organics recycling.
Why have a week-long program focused just on compost? It’s because compost is important for improving or maintaining high quality soil, growing healthy plants, reducing the use of fertilizer and pesticides, improving water quality and protecting the environment.
Each year a theme is chosen to promote the week. The theme for this year is Grow, EAT…COMPOST…Repeat. A poster contest was held in the fall, open to teens and adults from throughout the world. This year’s winner is Anastasia Skachko from Russia. Her design was chosen from almost 700 submissions. A video contest was also held for children and teens in grades 4 – 8. the video contest asked for a 30 second video highlighting ICAW and the theme. Addy Ackerman-Leist, from Vermont, was the winner of the contest. Her video can be seen HERE.
“The theme recognizes the circular movement of the organics recycling process flowing from farm to table to farm again. This circular process turns recycled organic materials into compost which creates healthy soils leading to more nutrient dense fruits and vegetables, with those organic residuals going back to being composted and the process starting again,” explained Amy Freeman, ICAW Committee Chair.
International Compost Awareness Week, a program run in the United States by the Compost Research & Education Foundation, is the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the compost industry. It is celebrated nationwide and in other countries each year during the first full week of May. ICAW was started in Canada in 1995. Since then, ICAW has continued to grow as more people, businesses, municipalities, schools and organizations are recognizing the importance of composting and the long-term benefits from organics recycling.
More information may be found HERE.