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Philippi-Hagenbuch HiVol Water Tanks Offer Maximum Capacity and Superior Safety

Philippi-Hagenbuch’s line of patented HiVol® Water Tanks deliver exceptional safety in a design that optimizes capacity and enhances travel safety. PHIL developed its HiVol water tanks with a safety focus, and they fit any make or model of off-highway truck. They are an ideal solution for a multitude of applications, including dust suppression, fire protection, road construction and wash down.

Unlike traditional water tanks, which typically utilize only 80 percent of the truck’s capacity, the PHIL HiVol Water Tanks are engineered to maximize the truck’s capabilities. Building on its tradition of developing products that enhance productivity while minimizing maintenance and increasing safety, Philippi-Hagenbuch calculated the dynamic center of gravity of the fluid within the tank to engineer the HiVol series with the lowest weight and greatest carrying capacity. This capacity can range up to 60,000 gallons.

The commitment to durability and minimal maintenance is reflected in the quality of materials used to manufacture the PHIL HiVol Series. With a nominal yield of 180,000 psi and a corresponding Brinell hardness of 450, the abrasion resistant, superior grade steel utilized by Philippi-Hagenbuch is more than three times harder than the steel used in most competitive water tanks, providing years of reliable use in the most adverse conditions. After more than 12 years on the market, the first tanks manufactured show no signs of rust, corrosion or failure.

Another hallmark of the Philippi-Hagenbuch tradition is safety, a critical consideration when hauling liquid. To ensure maximum safety, a patented fluid baffling system not only stops water surges from the back to front, but effectively provides a full height/full length/full center BacboneTM structure that eliminates surging from side to side as well. Each tank features a series of compartments to completely eliminate any occurrence of surging, providing maximum stability at all normal haul speeds. To further enhance safety, HiVol tanks are built with square corners and internal water deflectors designed to slow water churn within individual compartments, eliminating instability and the potential for the unharnessed energy to turn the truck on its side.

Continuing in the company’s tradition of providing easy to maintain products, the patented design of the HiVol tanks minimize confined space issues and provide easy access for maintenance by incorporating full size exterior and interior access doors as well as access points on the top of the tank. All interior access doors provide rustproof pivots, and allow the easy flow of clean air and natural light throughout the entire tank. In an effort to eliminate potential falls, the tanks incorporate a unique flat top design, enabling easy walking when filling or maintaining the tank.

Rear-mounted spray heads, an optional remote controlled water cannon and individual in-cab component controls ensure precise yet simplified water control. Horizontal spray heads operate independently, allowing users to utilize any or all spray heads at the same time and offer multiple settings from wide to narrow for added versatility. The remote controlled water cannon enables the operator to disperse water with precise control and accuracy from 150 to 200-feet away. This allows operation from inside the cab or externally while roaming within a quarter mile of the vehicle.

The exclusive soft start/soft stop system allows users to start and stop the water pump at any engine RPM. This enables water to be turned on at full throttle quickly and easily with no damage to the pump.

HiVol Water Tanks are fully customizable to any make or model of off-highway articulated and rigid frame truck, making it easy to convert existing haul trucks into water trucks. For clients in cold weather climates, PHIL offers an insulated version of its tanks — making them versatile for nearly any application and environment.


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