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New wheel loader simulator training pack from CM Labs incorporates guided learning features for faster skills acquisition

CM Labs Simulations, developer of Vortex® training simulators, recently announced a new wheel loader simulation training pack that includes advanced earth moving techniques as well as guided learning features for faster skills acquisition.

The new training pack introduces guided learning in the form of real-time feedback during exercises on crucial metrics such as distance from objects, traction and terrain height. It also integrates the industry’s only real-time grade quality sensor (GQS). The GQS tracks key metrics such as height, slope and standard deviation.

This feedback allows trainees to make the adjustments needed in order to advance their learning more quickly and ultimately develop positive habits that will carry over into real equipment.

The wheel loader training pack incorporates the most advanced soil simulation available on the market. This results in highly realistic bucket/ground interactions, which is critical for training operators how to position the bucket properly and understand the machine’s capacity.

Thanks to this accurate soil simulation, the training pack can teach trainees advanced earthmoving techniques while focusing on efficiency and safety. It also immerses trainees in a challenging environment that encourages them to change tools depending on the task they need to accomplish. This means trainees must learn the proper usage of the wheel loader’s quick coupler. This is a critical component of training, as it teaches them to avoid accidental release of the bucket during operations, which can cause life-changing situations on the worksite.

The wheel loader training pack tracks all operating metrics during training exercises and rolls them up into a single score that updates in real time. Organizations can customize this scoring system to take their most important operating criteria into consideration. This in turn gives instructors a benchmark for objectively assessing operators after every training session, in order to meet training objectives more rapidly.

The wheel loader training pack incorporates CM Labs’ Smart Training TechnologyTM, resulting in a training tool that delivers the most transferable skills anywhere, outside of the real equipment.

Smart Training Technology is comprised of CM Labs’ proprietary and patented algorithms and ensures precision engineering of the simulated equipment including engine, transmission and more.


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