Attend the new October webinar series Get Erosion and Sediment Control to Work for You: Saving Time and Money While Protecting the Environment. First take a step back to the basics of erosion control with a look at the importance of controlling erosion on site. Then dive into the importance of planning and investing in erosion control in the beginning. In addition, implementing plans and the importance of flexibility when plans change will be discussed. And, finally, real-life storm event case studies will be reviewed and the ways to be storm ready in your projects.
Sessions for this series includes:
Wednesday, Oct. 13: 3 p.m. Mountain Time
Thursday, October 14: 8 a.m. Sydney Time
Erosion and Sediment Control 101 – Back to Basics
Wednesday, Oct. 20: 3 p.m. Mountain Time
Thursday, Oct. 21: 8 a.m. Sydney Time
Planning for Success: Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Design to BMP Installation
Wednesday, Oct. 27: 3 p.m. Mountain Time
Thursday, Oct. 28: 8 a.m. Sydney Time
Being Disaster Prepared in a Period of Consequences
Continuing Education Credit: Three (3) Professional Development Hours (PDH)