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New ad campaign pushes economic growth through infrastructure investment

The transportation construction, labor, and business community are jointly launching an ad and social media campaign to push for action this year by Congress and the Biden administration on a transportation infrastructure investment package that improves mobility and fuels economic growth.

Beginning April 12, a television spot will run inside the Beltway aimed at members of Congress, staff, and other policymakers. The TV commercial will be supplemented by online ads that began April 10 on social media and influential digital sites popular with D.C. legislators and influencers.

The campaign will extend on April 26 with online social media and website advertisements running in the states and districts of 22 key members of Congress. The ads will run during congressional recesses.

The central message of the “Moving Forward” campaign: investing in transportation infrastructure is crucial to continuing the U.S. economic recovery and creating jobs. The ads direct viewers to a landing page on the Transportation Construction Coalition website where the economic benefits of transportation infrastructure investment are spelled out.

The television spot and samples of the digital ads are available at

The campaign is an initiative of the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) and U.S. Chamber of Commerce-led Americans for Transportation Mobility (ATM) coalition. The TCC and ATM ads will run through late May.


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