ANNISTON, AL — Neal Manufacturing, a division of Blastcrete Equipment Company and a leader in asphalt pavement maintenance equipment, has launched its new Generation IV pumps. The pumps offer improved durability as well as enhanced spray bars and require less frequent routine maintenance than their predecessor, resulting in greater uptime and productivity. Road pavement maintenance contractors also save money since they can retrofit their existing asphalt trucks with the new Neal pumps Gen IV rather than purchase a new truck.
“Customers are continually seeking ways to increase productivity, and once again we listened,” said Jim Farrell, Blastcrete CEO. “Our Generation IV pumps not only check all the boxes on our customers’ wish lists, but they also set the bar on aggregate load. No other pump handles more aggregates and larger aggregates than the Neal Generation IV pump.”
Neal Manufacturing designed the Generation IV pumps with heavy duty features, including robotically welded pump housings and industrial grade hydraulic cylinders for extreme durability and longevity. These components offer enhanced reliability and last 50 percent longer than parts on the previous model, which means less downtime associated with rebuilds.
“Most pumps in this industry last around 30,000 gallons before a rebuild is needed,” Farrell said. “We’ve had our first customer hit 300,000 gallons on our Generation IV pump and it’s still going strong.”
The Generation IV pump also comes with Neal’s new filtration system, which is 60 percent more compact than the previous system, more efficient and easier to maintain. The system’s compact filters weigh 98 percent less than the previous filters when full, eliminating the need for a crane during filter changes. Neal also designed the filtration system to give contractors fast and easy access to the filters, making routine cleanings more manageable.
Neal installs the system with dual spray bars rather than one. Each spray bar is synchronized with one 100 gpm Generation IV pump. The pumps and spray bars work together to provide optimal efficiency and output on road pavement maintenance projects. Gen IV pumps also offer enough volume for larger orifice tips to all but eliminate tip plugging with aggregates.
To ensure its customers know how to properly operate and maintain the machines, Neal offers free training seminars at its Anniston, Alabama, location. All machines are tested under load before being shipped to customers.
For more information: Neal Manufacturing Division of Blastcrete Equipment Company, 2000 Cobb Ave., Anniston, AL 36201. Call 770-830-1282, fax 256-236-9824, email or