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Nashville hosts 25th Anniversary C&D World

The only event that focuses on recycling North America’s largest material stream is happening Feb. 10-13, 2018 in Nashville. C&D World 2018 is the place where the construction and demolition industry comes together to learn about, discuss, and solve the industry’s issues. Even more special, the 2018 edition is the 25th anniversary of this popular meeting.

The event, to be held at the Hilton Nashville, steps from the famous Broadway Street, serves as the Annual Meeting of the C&D Recycling Association, which organizes the exhibit hall and the information sessions that are the heart of the show. As this is the Silver Anniversary, the CDRA has gathered C&D World’s best program ever, including having two keynote speakers:

  • Barnes Johnson, director, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery (formerly Solid Waste), U.S. EPA. Mr. Johnson is the top EPA staff member overseeing solid waste and recycling. His views help form agency policy, and he will provide attendees guidance on what the agency will be doing on recycling issues in the next few years;
  • Ed Sullivan, chief economist, Portland Cement Association. Mr. Sullivan is the foremost prognosticator of the construction industry, and his on-target economic predictions at previous C&D Worlds have helped attendees better plan their businesses’ future.

Of course, the rest of the program is full of presentations from industry experts that will provide information pertinent to C&D businesses, such as better equipment management; handling pH in recycled concrete; biomass markets; C&D fines opportunities; legislative and regulatory update; Social Media use in the recycling market; succession planning; and a LEED update.

New this year is a virtual tour that will provide attendees video overviews of some of the top mixed C&D and concrete recycling operations in the United States. This is a great opportunity for attendees to take a peek into successful operations from across the country.

A well-designed exhibit hall will again be a part of C&D World 2018, where attendees will be able to mix with top industry vendors in an intimate setting. Of course, no C&D World is complete without the Monday night fundraiser. The site for the 2018 fundraiser is the same as the memorable 2015 event in Nashville, the Honky Tonk Central on exciting Broadway Street.

Sponsors of C&D World are already numerous: General Kinematics, CDE Global, Sparta, CBI, SSI, Apollo General, and Eagle Crusher have already stepped up to support the CDRA’s Annual Meeting. Space in the exhibit hall is going fast.

For more information about the meeting, including on registration and exhibiting, go to, or contact the main office at 866-758-4721;


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