GSSI, the world’s leading manufacturer of ground penetrating radar (GPR) equipment, highlights the PaveScan® RDM 2.0 and PaveScan® Mix Design Module (MDM) for asphalt density assessment. Using PaveScan MDM and RDM gives paving contractors a comprehensive and accurate view into pavement quality without the expense, risk, and errors from spot coring. More importantly, reducing the need to core exposes fewer workers to the dangers of work zones.
PaveScan RDM is ideal for uncovering problems that occur during the paving process, including poor uniformity and significant variations in density. By avoiding these problems, PaveScan RDM helps avoid such premature failures as road raveling, cracking, and deterioration along joints.
This system automatically measures the dielectric value to identify anomalies in real-time. In addition, the dielectric values can be used as a means to correlate percent voids and density in new pavement. The innovative technology enables users to obtain critical density data for QA/QC of new pavements. Unlike other options, like nuclear density gauges or radioactive alternatives, PaveScan does not result in any site hazards or require closing off work areas.
Seamlessly integrating with GPS systems, PaveScan features a flexible, modular design that facilitates easy and efficient operation and data collection. It is offered as a single sensor or a three-sensor cart based configuration.
PaveScan MDM transforms the RDM into a powerful new quality control tool for asphalt density assessment. It is sensitive to subtle changes in aggregate, mix, and moisture, and can be used to immediately alert paving contractors to inadvertent changes in the aggregate mix. Users can compare daily samples against approved mix designs to detect any deviations and fix problems before the mix is deployed in the field. One five-minute lab test enables users to accurately reveal problems before any need for silo dumps or other costly remediation. PaveScan MDM users can also create a digital library of mix designs.
PaveScan MDM provides a calibration curve that can be used to accurately show density variability within the asphalt mat. Such a precise degree of process control ensures that all bridge decks and longitudinal joints can be rolled properly.
By helping to avoid premature road failures such as raveling, cracking and deterioration along poorly compacted joints, PaveScan technology builds better quality longer lasting roads.
For more information on PaveScan RDM visit and for more information on PaveScan MDM, visit or email