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GSSI announces 2022 Summer Tour featuring PaveScan RDM 2.0 technology

GSSI will continue the success of last years Hitting the Asphalt tour with its 2022 Summer Tour. In this tour, GSSI will travel across the US to spread the word of its PaveScan RDM 2.0 system. PaveScan RDM is the first non-nuclear rolling asphalt density tool on the market, and it uses dielectric measurements of new pavement to determine pavement quality and uniformity.

In the previous summer tour, Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and contractors were highly enthusiastic about GSSIs ability to provide full coverage density results while reducing the need for coring and improving safety on the jobsite. This is because there are no certifications needed, no nuclear technology involved, and no associated security issues while using PaveScan RDM.

A non-destructive form of asphalt density testing equipment, the PaveScan RDM 2.0 is GSSIs second-generation asphalt density assessment technology. With seamless GPS integration, real-time onscreen data output, and data export options, this system is perfect for both DOTs and paving contractors. This tool is highly effective at uncovering inconsistencies that occur throughout the paving process, such as poor uniformity and major variations in density. In this way, PaveScan RDM 2.0 detects problems at an early stage, enabling DOTs and contractors to make corrections and avoid premature failures including road raveling, cracking, and deterioration along joints.

Join GSSI on its tour this summer to discover why PaveScan RDM 2.0 is the premier asphalt test method to identify areas of non-conformity in new pavement. To be part of the 2022 Summer Tour, please contact Rob Sommerfeldt at to book your dates!


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