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Felling Trailers, Inc. announces beneficiary of 2021 Trailer for a Cause

Felling Trailers will be hosting its ninth annual Trailer for a Cause online auction of an FT-3 Utility trailer to benefit a nonprofit organization. Felling Trailers’ goal is to bring awareness to various nonprofits that are making a difference by donating 100% of the winning bid from the auction to a different nonprofit each year. The previous Trailer for a Cause auctions has raised over $25,000 for nonprofit organizations such as Bright Pink – Breast Cancer, SOMN – Special Olympics Minnesota, Children’s Cancer Research Fund, and Lymphoma Research Foundation, to name a few.

Felling Trailers, Inc. has selected the Minnesota Firefighters Foundation (MNFFF) as the 2021 Trailer for a Cause auction beneficiary. “We respect and appreciate firefighters’ time, skills, and service as they risk their lives to protect our communities,” said Brenda Jennissen, President/CEO of Felling Trailers. “Having almost a dozen volunteer firefighters on our team makes it even more personal, and we’re honored to give back to this statewide organization that works to educate and bring awareness to all of our Minnesota firefighters.”

A Fall 2021 auction is being planned for Trailer for a Cause. Leading up to the auction, Felling Trailers will be working with MNFFF to generate awareness about firefighters and their families that have been affected by cancer and other health issues due to their involvement in the fire service. With over 7,000 toxic carcinogens being released in today’s fires, not only are on-scene deaths a risk, but the carcinogens being ingested are causing cancer in a high number of firefighters as well. Each year over 70 firefighters die in the line of duty, while cancer is the leading cause of death among firefighters. Since 9/11 over 7,000 firefighters have been diagnosed with some form of cancer or a disabling health diagnosis.


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