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Emerging leaders mentor

LOUIS, MO — The Emerging Leaders Committee of the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC), St. Louis, MO, has formed a Mentor Advisory Board to provide advice to ASCC members who don’t need a full-time mentor, but could use the experience and wisdom of a seasoned counterpart.

Advisory Board members are long time ASCC members with decades of concrete contracting field and management experience. They will handle questions regarding contracts and other legal matters, business development, business management, safety operations and finance.

“This Board is meant for brief telephone calls between contractor members,” explained Kevin Riley, chair of the ASCC Emerging Leaders Committee. Staff matches callers with Advisory Board members so there is no conflict of interest.

Three years ago the Emerging Leaders Committee established a mentor/mentee program for ASCC members which pairs concrete construction professionals with lesser-experienced contractors in a long term guided program to share knowledge and experiences. “Mentees can be any ASCC member seeking to augment their general knowledge or someone looking for guidance in a particular discipline,” says Todd Scharich, ASCC director of member services.

The ASCC is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the capabilities of those who build with concrete, and to providing them a unified voice in the construction industry. Members include concrete contracting firms, manufacturers, suppliers and others interested in the concrete industry such as architects, specifiers and engineers. There are approximately 750 member companies in the United States and 13 foreign countries.

For more information, visit or call the ASCC office at 866-788-2722.


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