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CASE to host CASE LIVE Virtual Event detailing technology, options and advantages of excavators outfitted with Machine Control

Interactive webcast focuses on the performance and quality advances possible when excavators are equipped with machine control solutions.

CASE Construction Equipment has announced that the next CASE LIVE virtual event will focus on Machine Control and Excavation, and will be held on June 23 at 10 AM Central.

CASE experts will discuss the options available for outfitting excavators with machine control technology, the advantages it provides specific to excavating operations, and how contractors can use the technology to improve their overall business. This edition of CASE LIVE will be hosted by Richie Snyder, product manager for digital and precision solutions & telematics, and Nathaniel Waldschmidt, product manager for excavators — both with CASE Construction Equipment.

The initial discussion will be followed by a live Q&A session. CASE will also make an exclusive technology announcement related to excavators and machine control as part of the event. Those who register will get the exclusive sneak peek — and CASE will also share a recording of the event with registrants after the show.

“The first thing that people think of with machine control is typically final grading with dozers or graders, but excavators outfit with machine control solutions can significantly increase productivity and efficiency in common applications such as trenching and basement digging,” says Snyder. “These systems are extremely intuitive, easy to deploy, and will start showing immediate gains for your business from the day you start using them.”

Visit for a full schedule of upcoming webcasts and events, and click here to register for CASE LIVE: Machine Control and Excavation.

CASE LIVE is a new virtual event platform with live events and educational sessions delivering topics that include equipment fleet management, acquisition strategies, new technologies, operational tips and new product launches.

For more information on CASE, and the entire lineup of CASE equipment, visit


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