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ACI Concrete Convention and Exposition 2020

More than 2,000 engineers, students, contractors, educators, manufacturers, and material representatives from around the world will convene at the Duke Energy Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA, October 20-24, 2019, to collaborate on concrete codes, specifications, and practices. Technical and educational sessions will provide attendees with the latest research, case studies, best practices, and the opportunity to earn Professional Development Hours (PDHs).

The ACI Convention is an opportunity to showcase companies, projects, current events, and landmarks, and offers numerous networking events where you can expect to meet with many of the industry’s top engineers, architects, contractors, educators, manufacturers, and material representatives from around the world.

Some of the convention highlights that attendees can expect include:

Throughout the convention, ACI will hold over 300 committee meetings, 40+ technical sessions, an industry trade exhibition, networking events, and more. The convention is generously supported by Baker Concrete Construction, the ACI Greater Miami Valley Chapter, Anderson Concrete, LafargeHolcim, and additionalsponsors.

Registration is open online, and discounted rates are offered until September 15, 2019. To learn more about the ACI Convention and to register please visit


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